Ang Nerseri (Vic Acedillo, Jr., 2009) English Title: The Nursery Humanity has an innate fascination for stories where characters triumph des...
Handumanan (2009)
Handumanan (Seymour Barros-Sanchez, 2009) English Title: Remembrance Let's cut to the chase. Seymour Barros-Sanchez's Handumanan ( ...
Colorum (2009)
Colorum (Jobin Ballesteros, 2009) After spending thirty years in prison, Pedro (Lou Veloso), aging and obviously clueless as to what has bec...
Dinig Sana Kita (2009)
Dinig Sana Kita (Mike Sandejas, 2009) English Title: If I Knew What You Said Mike Sandejas' Dinig Sana Kita ( If I Knew What You Said ) ...
Sanglaan (2009)
Sanglaan (Milo Sogueco, 2009) English Title: The Pawnshop The characters of Sanglaan ( The Pawnsh op ) seems to exist inside a bubble create...
Engkwentro (2009)
Engkwentro (Pepe Diokno, 2009) English Title: Clash That Jim Libiran makes an appearance as a hitman in the latter portion of Pepe Diokno...
Last Supper No. 3 (2009)
Last Supper No. 3 (Veronica Velasco, 2009) Schadenfreude is the pleasure one derives out of the misfortune of others. Schadenfreude is proba...
Ang Panggagahasa kay Fe (2009)
Ang Panggagahasa kay Fe (Alvin Yapan, 2009) English Title: The Rapture of Fe According to writer-director Alvin Yapan, Ang Panggagahasa kay ...