Horton Hears a Who! (Jimmy Hayward & Steve Martino, 2008) Hollywood has been severely cruel to Theodor Geisel, more popularly known as D...
Ringu (1998)
Ringu (Hideo Nakata, 1998) English Title: The Ring (Warning: Spoilers Ahead) A decade after its original release in Japan, it is not exactly...
Sakal, Sakali, Saklolo (2007)
Sakal, Sakali, Saklolo (Jose Javier Reyes, 2007) Sakal, Sakali, Saklolo , like most of Jose Javier Reyes' slice-of-life dramas and comed...
When Timawa Meets Delgado (2007)
When Timawa Meets Delgado (Ray Gibraltar, 2007) It is simply Social Darwinism at work: the way majority of Filipino nurses leave the Philipp...
www.XXX.com (2003)
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La Vie En Rose (2007)
La Vie En Rose (Olivier Dahan, 2007) French Title: La Môme La Vie En Rose , Olivier Dahan's bloated biopic about French singer Edith Pia...
Selda (2008)
Selda (Ellen Ramos & Paolo Villaluna, 2008) English Title: The Inmate Absent all the plot contrivances and inconsistencies, Ellen Ramos ...
My Big Love (2008)
My Big Love (Jade Castro, 2008) One of my favorite films from 2007 is Jade Castro's Endo , a lovely little romance between two contractu...